Digital Art Weeks @ ETH Zürich
Digital Art and Lifstyle Festivals, Weeks, events everywhere you look...when the ETH Zürich is doing one, you KNOW it's going to be something special and will have facinating insights to their research:
""The Meeting Point between Art and Technology at ETH Zurich"
Zurich, Switzerland, Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th July, 2006
The DIGITAL ART WEEKS program is concerned with the application of digital technology in the arts. Consisting of symposium, workshops and performances, the Digital Art Weeks program offers insight into current research and innovations in art and technology as well as illustrating resulting synergies in a series of performances during the Digital Art Weeks Festival each year, making artists aware of impulses in technology and scientists aware of the possibilities of application of technology in the arts."
Admission prices (restricted to registered participants), symposium information etc. is on their website. (Klick on this blogg title!)
C U there...!
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